Friday, October 10, 2014

New Cover "Island Seduction"

"Island Seduction" has a new cover, though it will be a few days before it updates on Amazon. This is for the print and ebook editions. The print cover kept printing blurrily, no matter what we tried, so we finally said it just needs an entirely new cover.

Lanie accepts an invitation to spend vacation with her roommate and his father on their private island. The sparks fly between Lanie and Jason as soon as they meet. She wants him, and he wants the younger woman out of his son's life. The solution is simple--seduce her away from Josh to force her to show her true intentions. Once she has ended her engagement to Josh, he'll dump her brutally to teach the little gold-digger a lesson. Josh will forgive him once he realizes what she is. It seems so easy, until she becomes his lover, leaving Jason confused about her, his plans, and their future.

Lanie covers for Josh when he announces their engagement, though they have never been more than friends. She agrees to pretend to be engaged as long as he tells his dad the truth quickly. When Josh is called away for a summer internship, she and Jason have the island to themselves. She starts to fall in love with him and knows she'll have to tell him the truth for the sake of their future, even if it means exposing Josh's secret.

Warning: Contains multiple hot, romantic love scenes between two consenting adults that include erotic food usage, oral pleasure, and anal exploration.

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